about heidi
When Heidi was five years old her mother noticed Heidi’s talent for art based on the art projects she brought home from kindergarten. Heidi’s mother put her in private art lessons starting at age 5 when they lived in Rochester, New York. Also, when Heidi was very young she would draw and paint pictures of flowers, horses and animals and go around the neighborhood and sell them for $.25-$.50 with her cousin Sandy.
At the age of seven, Heidi’s family moved to Texas, to a little farming community called Parker, about an hour east of Dallas. Heidi‘s mother continued her in private art lessons for many years. When in Texas, during the second grade, Heidi entered one of her pieces of artwork she had created up in Rochester at the age of six and won first place for her class and grand prize for her whole school!
Heidi grew up with horses, it was her mother’s dream that her two daughters would grow up riding horses. She first had a little pony called Midnight, then a black and white paint mare named Bonnie and her next horse was a quarter horse mare called Rosie, aka, “Parkers Red Rose”, by Parker’s D Bar.
Heidi continued drawing & painting through the years and in her tender teenage years, her dream was to be an equine artist .
Heidi pursued other interests throughout her life, it wasn't until later in life that she took up painting professionally. Coming back to art was like coming home again. Heidi now dedicates most of her time to her artwork now and continues to work with and love horses. She has a Riding program called, A Horse Experience, giving lessons to children and adults as well as training horses.
In 2016, Heidi discovered the enormous healing properties of essential oils and combined frankincense and myrrh into a biblical blend and created her own label called, A Heaven Scent.
You can find links here to Heidi's essential oils, her horse program and her beautiful artwork.